
Keynote Speaking Topics


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This short video highlights Kupe and his Keynote speaking ability.
Unscripted and amazing. It is hard to get project managers out of their shell but Kupe had us out of our seats, laughing, doing crazy things and secretly teaching us before we knew what hit us. Laughter truly is the best medicine and I would prescribe Kupe for your next event if you need a fantastic speaker who knows the profession of Project Management and Business Analysis.

Kenneth Watkins, President, PMI Memphis
We (IIBA MSP) brought Kupe in to be our Keynote speaker for our chapter’s professional development day. Kupe knocked it out of the park. He captivated the crowd of 400 and challenged traditional views while keeping the energy high. I would highly recommend Kupe as a speaker and trainer. We look forward to having him back at next year’s PDD.

Jon Firnstahl, (former) President, MSP IIBA Chapter
Kupe’s presentation was fantastic! His ability to capture an audience and energize the room is amazing. He is absolutely one of the best presenters I have seen. Extremely talented.

Colleen Schulz, Director - Business relationship Manager at OneAmerica
Kupe is a natural on stage. He commands the audience and is extremely geniune. Many of our participants were able to relate and put into pratice the key topics covered.

Donna Betancourt, Enterprise Architect, The Hartford
At the recent Virginia Business Analysis Development Day, as expected, I knew Kupe would bring the necessary energy to his talk to shake things up and get me to think differently.  The scenarios and common sense principles he demonstrated definitely encouraged me to stay in the moment and get past thoughts of “I’ve seen and done this before”.  He showed us, through improvisation, how to get in the heads of my customers, think on my feet and set aside what I thought I knew.  I’ve consciously applied this fresh approach and am seeing the results of a better understanding of my customer’s needs.  When Kupe talks, be sure to listen.

Ann-Michelle T. Powell , IT Business Analyst, Technology Director