About Kupe Kupersmith

Kupe Kupersmith

Kupe Kupersmith

The Improv Advantage

Become a trusted team player and a better collaborator.
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My ambition is to make everyone more awesome. I believe everyone is unique and has their own flavor of awesomeness. Let me address something before I go on. My parents did not name me Kupe Kupersmith. A second-grade classmate, Jimmy Shapiro, is the first person I remember calling me Kupe. Later in life, Kupe stuck. Until now, many people don’t know my real name is Jonathan.

I earned a college degree in Accounting. Although I did not feel a rush during my accounting classes, I felt it was important to use my degree when I went into the workforce. I even attempted the CPA, Certified Public Accountant, exam. After failing that miserably, I decided a long-term accounting career was not a great plan. While trying to figure out my next move I wanted to use my creative side and took a stab at Stand-up Comedy. I failed at that in a similar fashion to the CPA exam. After some auditions, I joined an Improvisation comedy troupe and performed in the Atlanta area for a decade. I also made a move into an IT, Information Technology, career as a business analyst and project manager.

What I loved about my IT career most was the teamwork and the collaboration. I wanted to work as a team, others wanted me on their team. I realized that it was my improv background that made me a trusted team player and a better collaborator.

So here I am now, an author, speaker, and coach with the main objective to make you more awesome through helping you connect, collaborate, and be ready for the future. All of which I do with an improv advantage. Some think Broccoli & Cheetos is an odd combination, but you will be delighted with how I combine laughter and learning.

Because I know we are stronger together than on our own I am an uber connector. I have a goal in life to meet everyone! So, drop what you’re doing and connect with me below. Why are you still reading this…fill out that form to join Kupe’s Troupe!